

admin 2021-03-25 163
教授你还等什么第3话(教授你在等什么第11话)摘要: 初试成绩下来了,发邮件联系了导师,收到他们的回复让我很苦恼,有朋友能给点经验吗?对比我们学校我跟你说一下1.选院长:院长事情多,人脉广如果你善于交际和他处好关系,有可能以后找工作啥...




  1. 选院长:院长事情多,人脉广如果你善于交际和他处好关系,有可能以后找工作啥的会用得上,但是因为他是院长,她的事情贼多根本没多少功夫指导你,导致你毕业论文可能有点麻烦.

  2. 选副院长:你说了课题多,课题多自然经费多,有利于奖助学金,研究生的奖学金拿一个一等是2万;此外,如果你到时候想考博士她会有点帮助.不过选他的话,你会有N多的活要做.

  3. 普通女老师:你要是想混三年,这个老师就行,可能会三不管,定期让你完成一两篇论文,最后让你毕了业.不过你最后很有可能在科研方面就比前两个差点.

  4. 50岁老头:你别看这些人对你爱答不理,可能这些人还是有点东西的,不过他50岁了,应该不会在科研上有什么进展,你其实也可以选他.

  5. 30岁年轻的:这类人是科研主力军,跟上他好沟通,是学习进步的阶梯,对你的指导应该都不会少,自然活可能也不少.如果运气好,这类人最有可能带你出去调研啥的.




一个教授面试时,问过这样一个问题:1:(1,3,7,8)2:(2,4,6)3:(5,9) 你能说出这三组数字是按什么标准来划分的吗?(提示:每一组数字都有一个相同的条件)

  1. 3. 7. 8 注音都是一声

  2. 4. 6. 注音都是四声

  5. 9 注音都是三声



  备注: remarks


  1. Thanks for your company's inquiring for the product listed above, our company will provide pre-sale, sale, post-sale services with pleasure.


  Agreeing the following items, the quoted price will become contract after being signed and recognized by both sides. Anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties


  Consignment time limit: we'll deliver the goods 4 days after this contract is signed


  Consignment location: Danyang yixxin


  Method of settling accounts: pay off the payment after receiving the invoice


  please buyer transmit directly the payment to the account appointed by seller, business representative of seller has no rights to receive the payment without seller's written authorization, if such occasion occur, it will be regarded as the business representative's private dealing and has nothing to with seller.

  六、运输方式和费用负担: □需方承担 ■供方承担

  mode of transportation and recognition of expense: □buyer □seller

  七、其他约定事项: ■含税 □不含税

  other agreed matters: □including tax □tax not included


  If the product has any problem within one year, seller will try his best to repair it, otherwise seller will provide spare part for free.


  Buyer must pay the payment according to the items of contract, it is not allowed that buyer take transportation, using, quality and so on as an excuse to refuse pay the payment.the buyer will shoulder its responsibility for exceeding the time limit as following: the buyer should pay the seller 3% of the total sum of the payment for goods as breach penalty.


  Seller will take responsibility for quality of product, but not for indirect loss.


  Please fax back after confirm.






  3.2.3 Inattention to the Status or the Caste

  I.e. In a Chinese travel agency, the staff saw an American couples were discussing their travel plans. so he said:"I suggest you to go to YunNan." The American couple frowns.

  The Travel agency staff failed to consider the status or caste between the two sides in this case, with the too directly expression methods. It will cause the other displeasure. Here, the staff with the more polite way will be better like:"Might I make a suggestion?".

  3.3 The Reasons of Socio-pragmatic Failures 3.3.1 The Improper Socio-pragmatic Transfer

  Socio-pragmatic transfer refers to Learners in one speech act or communication styles whether are appropriate context evaluation" [5].In communication, native speaker will transfer the cultural consciously or unconsciously to the target language, including inappropriate transfer has caused Socio-pragmatic Failures.

  First: title. How to call others seemingly minor matters, but actually otherwise. The use of title forms reflects a nation's cultural traditions and values. English appellation is different with Chinese appellation. When Chinese students call the direct address foreigners name, they often will be hesitated. Because only in Chinese culture knowing others well can straightly call ones name. But in English, with the name calling each does not necessarily mean the familiar; its range is more extensive. In addition, the Chinese culture like name each other when we have the kinship relationship, but we should notice that this way is not applicable in English.

  3.3.2 The lack of Socio-pragmatic Theory

  Lacking of speech performance theory leads to pragmatic failures

  Utterance act refers to a behavior of speaking words, sentences. Some language means such as word order, stressed, intonation, punctuation, tone, etc can also express a word of illocutionary force. when Chinese students speak English, they may make pragmatic failures.

  When ask others with the wrong tone. Students says to a professor With falling tone:"Wouldn't it be a good idea if I postpone the defense?" At this time, students asked the professor to extend rejoin date, he should be enough polite. But with falling tone makes professor think students do not beg himself but commanding himself. Results backfire.

   These seemingly small, however, any small fault utterance act of the whole sentence will be influence on expressing the speech act. These problems will affect English native speakers of the understanding of the word of yours, and make discourse proposition representation is not clear, cannot produce you expected elocutionary act.

  Proposition act refers to "through words and predicate referred to implement 'talk about' and 'discuss' this two behaviors.

  I.e. Two students want to book a room, the hotel staff said:"Let's have a double room."

  I.e. Let us may include listener, may not include. Normally, let's include the listener. It is obviously not right putting the clerk in the list of customers.

  The above example reaction caused by propositional ACTS alleged mistakes.

  The proposition of expression mainly related to use wrong predicate errors, tenses, word order, sentence structure, improper between subject predicate.

  Pragmatic failure examples tell us words misuse will lead to its actual effect is greatly different with expectation of the speakers.

  I.e. Hello, is Mr. Wang there, please?

  B: Yes.

  I.e. if answer yes, From the speaker's standpoint, appears to express exactly, namely, oneself is this person looking for, but this only accord with Chinese speech habits, but English do not have such conversation


way, the result will only make the other side constantly cross-examine.









作者:admin本文地址:http://www.jsg1407.com/msmh/17040.html发布于 2021-03-25
